

College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies and French

Faculty Mentor

Maria Léon

Faculty Editor

Nova Robinson, PhD

Student Editor

Allie Schiele


When the FN was founded in the early 1970s it was widely irrelevant. However, over the past three decades, the party has managed to enter into and reshape mainstream French politics. In the 1980s, economic, social, and political transformations aided the FN in their popularization. This paper looks at how similar transformations in the 21st century have enabled this neo-nationalist party to gain such unprecedented electoral success. More precisely, this paper looks at how these factors, identified as the 2008-2009 global economic crisis, changing immigration trends, and the presidencies of Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, have all interacted and intersected to create a favorable climate for the rise of the FN by promoting fear and a sense of crisis.

Keywords: Front National, neo-nationalism, France
