Application Checklist

The following process must be fully completed by 11:59pm, Friday, May 31, 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for the awards.

  1. Review the guidelines and evaluation criteria
  2. Talk with the faculty mentor and have them complete the faculty support form
  3. Complete the application form (see below for more details)
    • Create a ScholarWorks@SU account
    • Submit your reflective statement (400-700 words) – See “Guidelines for Students”
    • Upload your completed project
    • Upload the signed faculty support form
    • Upload other items such as IRB documentation

Application Elements and Explanations

1. Project Title

  • Enter the title of your project
2. Type of Submission
  • Individual
  • Group
3. Submission Consent
  • Please review and accept
4. Student Name
  • Your name and email address should should already appear. If not, please add it.
  • For a group project, please click on the plus (+) sign at the bottom of the box to enter the name and email address of each group member.
5. Student ID number and other information
  • If this is a group project, only one person needs to include their ID number, major, and class standing.
6. Course number and title information
  • Title and number of course for which project was completed (example: UCOR 1600 Global Challenges).
  • Faculty name and email address
7. Upload your final project
  • Upload size limit is 10MB.
  • For creative works, more details below about how to submit your final project.
8. Additional files
Please note: You will upload your additional files on a second page. One this page, you will want to wait a few seconds for your file to appear in the list before continuing.
  • Upload your refective statement here.
  • Upload the faculty support form here.
  • Upload other documents, such as IRB documentation here.
9. How did you hear about this award?
  • Please check one and provide further details for professor name or if "other" is selected.

Submitting a Creative Final Project

If you are creating a final project that is not a paper, we can accept representations of them.
For example:

  • Painting, drawings, illustrations: Please submit photos or a video with brief description.
  • Film, podcasts, or other audio visual projects: Please submit a link to view with brief description.
  • Code: Please submit a link to view the code with brief description
  • 3D models and laser cutting: Please submit photos or video of the final product, the the files you created to make these items, and brief description.
If what you have created is not on this list, please contact Yen Tran at for guidance.