Examining the Validity of Standardized Testing in Gauging Student Performance

Presenter Information

Vy Vuong, Seattle University

Publication Date


Start Date

1-9-2023 12:00 PM

End Date

1-9-2023 12:20 PM


Deo Bebber


In this presentation, I will delve into the examination of whether standardized testing truly holds validity in accurately assessing student performance within the current educational landscape. While advocates emphasize the tests’ advantages, I highlight their limitations, including perpetuating inequalities, failing to measure authentic progress, and containing inherent biases. Proposing more comprehensive alternatives will help empower students to showcase their skills, reflect on their learning journey, and foster an ongoing discourse with educators. Ultimately, I advocate for a shift away from reliance on standardized testing, advocating instead for more holistic and individualized methods of evaluation.

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Sep 1st, 12:00 PM Sep 1st, 12:20 PM

Examining the Validity of Standardized Testing in Gauging Student Performance

In this presentation, I will delve into the examination of whether standardized testing truly holds validity in accurately assessing student performance within the current educational landscape. While advocates emphasize the tests’ advantages, I highlight their limitations, including perpetuating inequalities, failing to measure authentic progress, and containing inherent biases. Proposing more comprehensive alternatives will help empower students to showcase their skills, reflect on their learning journey, and foster an ongoing discourse with educators. Ultimately, I advocate for a shift away from reliance on standardized testing, advocating instead for more holistic and individualized methods of evaluation.