Lack of Access to Abortion: The Danger to Vulnerable Mothers

Presenter Information

Phanghouy Chea, Seattle University

Publication Date


Start Date

20-8-2022 9:45 AM

End Date

20-8-2022 10:10 AM


Deonta Bebber


When the US Supreme Court overturned the ruling of Roe v. Wade in June 2022 allowed each state the right to make decisions on making abortion accessible to women. Since then, many states have started the law banning abortion right away. This news hurts me the most since as women, our voices are not powerful enough to make any change in society, and now we cannot even make decisions about our own bodies, our health, and our well-being. Therefore, it is unethical to ban abortion rights because it would cause many impacts on women.

Abortion bans cause major impacts on the mothers’ health and well-being. The right to abortion and access to abortion are necessary to provide them with great support and resources to make decisions on their bodies and health as well as their future well-being in participating in education and the workforce. This presentation will introduce the two controversial arguments of Pro-Choice vs. Pro-life on abortion and discuss the specific group of vulnerable women who are suffering most from the restriction on abortion. Then, it will analyze the cause of banning abortion and the major impacts that it has on those women. Finally, it will provide some possible approaches to gain public attention to lifting up the accessibility to abortion.

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Aug 20th, 9:45 AM Aug 20th, 10:10 AM

Lack of Access to Abortion: The Danger to Vulnerable Mothers

When the US Supreme Court overturned the ruling of Roe v. Wade in June 2022 allowed each state the right to make decisions on making abortion accessible to women. Since then, many states have started the law banning abortion right away. This news hurts me the most since as women, our voices are not powerful enough to make any change in society, and now we cannot even make decisions about our own bodies, our health, and our well-being. Therefore, it is unethical to ban abortion rights because it would cause many impacts on women.

Abortion bans cause major impacts on the mothers’ health and well-being. The right to abortion and access to abortion are necessary to provide them with great support and resources to make decisions on their bodies and health as well as their future well-being in participating in education and the workforce. This presentation will introduce the two controversial arguments of Pro-Choice vs. Pro-life on abortion and discuss the specific group of vulnerable women who are suffering most from the restriction on abortion. Then, it will analyze the cause of banning abortion and the major impacts that it has on those women. Finally, it will provide some possible approaches to gain public attention to lifting up the accessibility to abortion.