Co-hosted by the Office of Sponsored Projects and Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, the inaugural Fall Scholarship Showcase took place on October 24, 2019 in the Popko Faculty Lounge. The posters in this collection were created by Seattle University faculty for display during the showcase event.
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The Star Formation History of the WLM Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
Joanne Hughes Clark and Tanner Marshall
Leaving a Legacy: A New Look at Today’s Planned Giving Donors
Elizabeth Dale, Olha Krupa, Suzanne Walker, and Margaret Neitzel
What Happens When Payments for Conservation Stop?
Tanya Hayes, Felipe Murtinho, Maria Fernanda Lopez, and Hendrik Wolf
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Organometallic Complexes
Maria Rikaela Ilagan, Michael DeSimone, and Eric Watson
Local and Landscape Factors Affecting Biodiversity in Urban Community Gardens in Seattle
Heidi Liere, Sanya Cowal, Emily Nguyen, and Caroline Grandia