Date of Award


Document Type




First Advisor

Viviane Lopuch

Second Advisor

Trenia L Walker

Third Advisor

Angelia Maxie


There is a significant issue surrounding the retention of educators within the early childhood education field. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the fragile system that was already malfunctioning, and there is hyperfocus on determining how to increase early educator retention and reduce attrition levels. This inquiry utilized participatory action research (PAR) through a collaborative partnership with an early learning center in Western Washington State. Researchers used a transformative worldview with an adaptive leadership focus as the theoretical framework with an appreciative inquiry lens. The study aimed to identify factors and motivations that contribute to the retention of educators in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) field, specifically based on its staff perspectives. Research participants were administrators and educators employed at the organization's four early learning center locations. Three research questions guided this study and centered on contributing factors and motivators that can impact retention within the early education field. The researchers sought to understand how these specific components correlated to KLW Early Learning Center’s organizational culture to support educator retention. This study collected qualitative data through a single-phase approach consisting of an online survey. The data analysis identified two key themes related to the study’s research questions: barriers to retention for educators and strategies to support retention of educators. The study’s findings led to eight organizational-specific recommendations pertaining to organizational policy and organizational culture for the community partner’s leadership to evaluate and for other early learning centers to investigate within their own programs. There were four opportunities for future research identified pertaining to early educator retention.
