"Seattle Dinner Church Movement: Participatory Motives of Nonfounding M" by Will F. Haag

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

First Advisor

Edward Donalson III

Second Advisor

Jeney Park-Hearn

Third Advisor

Paul L Metzger


This research project explores the reasons people choose to participate in the Seattle Dinner Church Movement. Dinner churches are a relatively new and unique form of ecclesiology in the United States, and this model may harbor potential for bolstering the health of evangelical Protestantism across the nation. Discerning the participatory motives of nonfounding members in the Seattle Dinner Church Movement will help illuminate the connection between this ecclesial modality and overall missiological and ecclesiological health. Qualitative data were collected through surveys, interviews, and focus groups within a grounded theory framework of research. Theories generated from the data include emphases on inclusion and relationship(s), and all findings from the project will be offered to leaders within the Seattle-based movement to encourage transparency of perspective(s) and practical application of ecclesial convictions.
