Doctor of Ministry Doctoral Projects | School of Theology and Ministry | Seattle University

The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree equips students to be mindful agents of change as influential leaders for a more just and humane world. The program melds areas of advanced study with an advanced leadership focus, culminating with the completion of a major research project.


Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Listening: The Heart of Welcoming the Stranger in Outreach Ministry, Teddi L. Callahan


Sacred Lives: A Study on the Spiritual Needs of LGBTQ+ Students and Possible Responses by Catholic High Schools, Jennifer Marie Farrell


Seattle Dinner Church Movement: Participatory Motives of Nonfounding Members, Will F. Haag


How Leaders are Shaped for Transitional Ministry: An Exploration of Pastoral Formation Among U.S. Presbyterian Short-Term Transitional Pastors, Shari Jackson Monson


Trauma-Informed Care: Treating Race-Based Trauma in Blacks, Patrick Wayne Oliver

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Exploring the Impact of Mentorship on the Leadership Trajectory of Black Clergywomen in the Black Church, Victoria Elizabeth Carr-Ware


Home by Another Way: The Possibility of Reconstructing Spiritual Identity Within the Deconstruction of Millennial Exvangelical Faith, Lacy Clark Ellman


Fully Formed: To Be Black and Jesuit, Lorenzo McDuffie


Charism Formation in Dominican Institutions of Higher Education, Jennifer E. Schaaf OP

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Responses to Mass-Incarceration by Faith Communities, Steve Everett Baber


Exploring the Influence of Virtual Reality on Adults With Indications of Early Stage Dementia, Nicole Chilivis


Improving Spiritual Care by Chaplains for Service Members Who Witness Death, Beth M. Echols


Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Women Living with Resilience Amidst Microaggressions and Macroaggressions in King County, Kristen R. Moss


Salvadoran Women's Migration to the United States: Lessons of Challenge and Hope for the Church, Michael Ramos


A Study Of Bullying in the Catholic Healthcare Workplace, LuAnn Mary Trutwin

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Ecclesiology and Adaptive Change: A Qualitative Study of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Congregations in the Northwest Regional Christian Church, Kara Lynn Markell


Inclusion and Religious Engagement in a Multicultural Church: A Multi-Case Study of the Experience of Immigrant Filipino Volunteer Church Workers in Select Parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle, Frank Dennis B. Savadera


Discerning Our Posture and Imagination: A Delphi Study of Leaders in the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Jana Marie Schofield