Student Major

Cell and Molecular Biology Chemistry

Presentation Abstract or Description

Current gold standard rewarming methods for cryopreserved samples in clinical settings, such as convective water bath, result in significant cellular and tissue injury, particularly as sample size increases. Recently, the Single-mode Electromagnetic Resonance (SMER) technology has emerged as a promising method for rapidly and uniformly rewarming larger vitrified tissue samples, thereby reducing injury in the rewarming process. While the composition of cryoprotective agent (CPA) solutions is well-studied for conventional rewarming technologies, its optimization for single-mode electromagnetic heating procedures remains underexplored. This study addresses this gap by piloting a screening protocol to identify optimal CPA/vitrification cocktails for SMER technology. Some traditionally considered CPA factors, including toxicity and osmolality, are still necessary to consider in the screening of CPA compositions for SMER technology. Other CPA characteristics, such as dielectric properties (ϵ, dielectric constant and ϵ, dielectric loss) and electrical conductivity, must be considered uniquely for electromagnetic heating. Preliminary findings reveal a positive correlation between temperature and electrical conductivity for dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) with trehalose in phosphate-buffered saline, indicating a favorable CPA solution. Additionally, a positive relationship between temperature and dielectric loss was observed Me2SO and polyvinylpyrrolidone (DPVP) based solutions, further supporting the potential of certain vitrification candidates. Osmolality and toxicity measurements were conducted for various CPA components commonly used in convective rewarming techniques, aiding in the subsequent screening of optimized CPA cocktails. These findings lay the groundwork for future studies aimed at refining vitrification solutions for enhanced sample viability and functionality during single-mode electromagnetic rewarming processes.

Presentation Format


Conference Name

International Society for Cryobiology (CRYO2024) Conference

Conference Date(s) and Location

July 23-25, 2024 in Washington, D.C.

Faculty Mentor

Shen Ren

Quarter Award Was Given

Summer 2024

Document Type

