What is SRCCon?
SRCCon is the Seattle University Student Research and Creativity Conference. It is a campus-wide event for graduate and undergraduate students to share research projects and creative works they have been doing. SRCCon is a reimagining and relaunching of the previously known Seattle University Undergraduate Research Association (SUURA) conference.

Will SRCCon be the same as the previous Seattle University Undergraduate Research Association (SUURA) conferences?
SRCCon will be relatively the same but may be a bit smaller than previous years and is also for both graduate and undergraduate students.

Who can present at the conference?
Undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines and programs are encouraged to submit their information to present at the conference. All presentations will require a faculty member to sign off on it.

What types of presentations will be available?
We will be accepting

  • oral presentations
  • posters
  • creative presentations (poetry reading, film screening, photography, dance, etc.)

Can I present projects-in-progress or does the project have to be completed?
Yes! We are accepting both completed project and projects-in-progress.

How long will the presentations be?

  • Oral presentations are 15-20 minutes long.
  • Poster presentations will be scheduled for a 30-minute time period.
  • Creative works van vary depending on the format. They can be 15-30 minutes long.
    • Does the research or creative work need to be completed as part of a course?
      No. As long as an SU faculty member can sign off on your presentation, you can present.

      Will I be presenting with other students?
      Yes! The planning team will be grouping student presentations together based on the topic.

      Will there be capstone or departmental presentations?
      This year, we are going to pilot having interdisciplinary presentation sessions, i.e. students will be grouped based on their topic. However, there is the possibility of capstone or departmental presentations if there is high interest.

      Can I present more than once at SRCCon?
      Sure! If it is for different projects, you can present more than once at SRCCon. However, to ensure a diversity of voices, you cannot give more than 2 presentations.

      If I presented my project somewhere else, can I still present at SRCCon?
      Yes! We would be happy to have you share with the SU community!