Student Research Project Grants | Student Scholarship | Seattle University

The Student Research Program invites applications for its Fall Quarter 2018 grants cycle.

Please click here to submit your grant application.

Beginning now, and through our fall deadline of Nov 1, we will accept applications for grants in support of student research and other projects. Grants will be awarded competitively, and pursuant to the availability of funds.

Activities might include travel to present at or attend a conference, a trip to an archive or field site to conduct research, expenses for a community outreach project, research-related supplies, or other opportunities where students incur expenses directly related to conducting research.

While we will consider a variety of applications, we will prioritize those applications in which 1) the primary beneficiary of the grant is the student researcher, and 2) in which a tangible result or outcome from that study takes place at or returns to Seattle University.

This year, departments, centers, offices, student groups, programs and other SU entities may apply to Student Research to fund a student or students for a particular opportunity, or to propose an event or other research-based project in which students are the direct, primary beneficiaries.

In no cases are we able to consider applications for school supplies, permanent lab equipment, or living stipends.

Applicants will be contacted by email with deliberation results. Award amounts will be reimbursed after the project completion pursuant to submission of receipts. Please keep in mind that the Office may be able to fund only a portion of what is requested.

Grants will be awarded for the quarter in which expenses are incurred, with the exception of FQ2018, when the committee will also consider proposals for projects that occurred over the summer.

Contact Dr. Molly Clark Hillard at with questions.
