Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (MACJ)


Criminal Justice, Criminology, & Forensics

First Advisor

Elaine Gunnison

Second Advisor

Stacy Cecchet

Third Advisor

Matthew Hickman


Human trafficking is a global atrocity that continues to expand and grow. Finding ways to dismantle human trafficking is a high priority and a multi-discipline solution is needed. Nurses are one of the most trusted professions in the country and historically have been trained to recognizes and counter social/criminal problems. The conversation surrounding training nurses to recognize human trafficking is just beginning, understanding where the field is now is imperative. This research explores nursing student’s awareness and knowledge of domestic human trafficking through qualitative question. The questions were administered through an online survey of Seattle University’s College of Nursing. These responses were examined for patterns and outliers, and policy and education implications surrounding the awareness or gaps in knowledge about domestic human trafficking were proposed. Although most participants had a vague idea of domestic human trafficking the vast majority did not possess an acute understanding of the subject.