"Improving Integrated Care through an Interprofessional Communication E" by Hailey Drangsholt and Natalie Truong

Date of Award


Document Type



College of Nursing

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Project Mentor

Elizabeth Gabzdyl


Amanda Heffernan


Background: Despite spending the most money on healthcare per capita (World Health Organization, 2020), the United States (US) has the worst health outcomes for birthing persons and newborns, measured by maternal mortality, infant mortality, and preterm birth rates. These outcomes are attributed to inadequate access to care and errors in interprofessional communication. Intervention: This quality improvement initiative implements early intervention of an interprofessional communication training using an evidence-based interprofessional collaboration frame called TeamSTEPPS®. Measures: Effectiveness of this intervention was evaluated using pre- and post- qualitative survey data gathered from participants. Outcomes: Of the 8 survey participants, 100% of participants related the importance of TeamSTEPPS® communication tools. On a 5-point Likert scale, the education module effectiveness received a rating of 4 or higher from all participants. Conclusions: This quality improvement initiative underscores the significance of interprofessional education and highlights the need for broader, nationwide efforts to improve collaborative care and patient health outcomes. Further study is warranted across diverse healthcare settings and with larger sample sizes to establish a clearer correlation between interprofessional education on communication and patient care outcomes.
