
Award Announcement - West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar

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This award provides funding to help defray the expenses of participants in the West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar that will be held on October 5 and 6, 2018, on the campus of Seattle University. Additional information about this meeting can be found at the website: http://fac-staff.seattleu.edu/boersema/web/WCOAS/WCOAS2018.html.

This conference is the twenty-fifth installment of the West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar (WCOAS), a series that annually brings together a diverse group of mathematicians whose primary research interests are in the theory of operator algebras. These meetings cover many current aspects of research in the theory of C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras. Some of the 2018 emphasis will be on the following topics: subfactors and their invariants, rigidity for ergodic actions and von Neumann algebras, free probability and its applications, classification of C*-algebras (the Elliot program), noncommutative geometry, operator spaces, quantum groups, graph C*-algebras. The conference program broadens participation in the theory of operator algebras and provides ample opportunity for graduate students, postdocs, and other young scientists to present their work.