The AI Forward in PNW Academic Libraries: Seattle-Area UnConference was a free one-day in-person opportunity for Seattle-area academic librarians to explore and discover possible intersections and impacts of AI and generative AI with academic library resources, services, and operations.

This event was co-hosted by Seattle University and Seattle Pacific University on March 8th, 2024 from 9:00am – 4:00pm in the Casey Commons, Seattle University.

Register to Attend

We encourage all academic librarians in the Seattle-area to register to attend!

Registration is free and will be accepted on the basis of “first come first serve.” Due to space limitations, attendance is capped at 60 people. We are hoping for a diverse mix of participants' institution types, knowledge, and experience levels with AI and AI technology. We will send you a confirmation email shortly after you register.

The registration form closing date has been extended to March 1, 2024.


Topics for each session will be shared with attendees at least a week before the unconference. There will be 3-4 topics for discussion each hour, with the possibility of changing or adjusting topics based on attendee interest.

Schedule for March 8, 2024

9:00am - 9:30am: Refreshments & mingle
9:30am - 10:00am: Welcome
10:00am -11:00am: Session 1
11:00am - 11:15am: Break
11:15am - 12:15pm: Session 2
12:15pm – 1:15pm: Lunch (provided)
1:15pm - 1:30pm: Session 3 topic voting
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Session 3
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Wrap-up
3:30pm – 4:00pm: Mingle

What Should I Expect

To get the best possible experience from this event, we ask that you please be prepared to inquire, discuss, and engage with others throughout the day on whatever AI-related topics interest you and your institution.

Whether you are vastly knowledgeable about artificial intelligence and its intersection with library and academic work, or just now entering the field of librarianship, everyone can and does bring valuable inquiry and discussion to the table.

Planning Team

Contact us if you have any questions.

  • Carrie Fry, Sciences Librarian, Seattle Pacific University,
  • Jason Hall, Business and Economics Librarian, Seattle University,
  • Michael Paulus, Dean of the Library and Assistant Provost for Educational Technology, Seattle Pacific University -
  • Yen Tran, Scholarly Services Librarian, Seattle University,
  • Sarah Barbara Watstein, Dean, Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, Seattle University,

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