In response to the increasing number of college students who report symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health difficulties during their undergraduate studies, this article provides a framework for student affairs practitioners to support and cater to the needs of today’s college student populations through individual counseling responses. This article provides an overview of the commonality of mental health struggles among today’s college students, including those who arrive with psychological needs, and those who develop such needs while pursuing degrees. With a focus on academic advising, this article makes the case for the necessity of equipping today’s student affairs practitioners with the basic counseling tools necessary to support and maintain today’s college student populations’ mental health. By incorporating the counseling responses described in this article into their current practice, academic advisers can best support students from their initial transitions into the university setting through their transitions out of the university setting.
Recommended Citation
Heller, Eli
"Integrating Basic Counseling Skills into Student Affairs Practice,"
MAGIS: Vol. 11:
1, Article 9.
Available at: