Date of Award


Document Type

Latin America


This paper investigates the root causes of intimate partner violence against women in Mexico, as well as the factors that are closely linked to an increased risk of partner abuse. Intimate partner violence is commonly referred to as gender-based violence, or any form of recurring physical, emotional, economic, or sexual abuse against one’s partner. Gender-based violence is a global problem and is prevalent in many Latin American countries. Mexico has some of the highest rates of intimate partner violence in the region, and for this reason will be the focus of the study. “Machismo culture” is the Latin American variant of sexism that informs gender differences, and gives power and decision-making authority to men. Machismo can be linked to the high rates of intimate partner violence in the region, which is evidenced by risk factors that are associated with women’s deviation from conventional gender roles. Machismo and patriarchy also inform the challenges to the successful implementation of Mexican laws that aim to reduce intimate partner violence. This thesis argues that greater autonomy and influence for women across society is essential for ending gender-based violence in Mexico.
